The main purpose of this study was to investigate the internal control system as a factor of fraud prevention in Nigeria financial institution. Two research Hypothesis were formed to guide the study. Review of literature was gathered to expose the researcher to what has been done in this area and to provide a good theoretical frame work for the study. Descriptive survey research design used was used to gain insights. The result of the findings revealed that the present internal control system in first bank of Nigeria PLC is effective and that fraud control and fraud prevention affects the performance of commercial banks in Nigeria.
Background of the Study
Tax revenue is a crucial source of income for local governments in Nigeria, enabling them to provid...
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study...
Guidance and counseling is an integral part of an ideal educational system. The New En...
Background of the Study
Corruption within public institutions remains one of the most significant challenges facing Nige...
Background of the Study
Deforestation is a major environmental issue that threatens biodiversity, soil health, and local climate patterns...
The need for supervision and control of commercial banks activities is to ensur...
Background of the Study
Cultural beliefs play a critical role in shaping attitudes toward education and the acceptance of...
This study was conducted to find out some of the factors influencing drug abuse behaviour amon...
Background of the Study
Continuous assessment has emerged as a vital component of educational evaluation, designed to moni...
Jukun-Tiv relation has increasingly gone through disturbing phases over the years, especially as from the inception of colonial...